Brian Dixon
I have 20+ years experience developing original solutions for agencies and clients of all sorts.
My approach is simple. Connect the heart of the brand with the heart of the people.

Freelance Creative
VP, Associate Creative Director (AD)
Creative lead transitioning the Portland office into a full service communications agency. Extensive new business efforts and managing creative teams and projects in multiple offices.
Creative Director (AD)
Associate Creative Director (AD)
Creative lead on Nike and Microsoft retail, including the global launch of Windows 8, 8.1 and 8.2. Also, led creative for Ficks, from name to a national brand.
Partner, ACD (AD)
Created multiple original award winning products, brands and communication. Participated in agency decisions and policy.
Art Director
Created global brand communication for Hyatt, Bosch and Rustoleum among others.
Art Director
Created global brand communication for Altoids, Johnnie Walker Brands, Miller Lite and Reebok among others.
Freelance Creative
Portland / 2018
VP, Associate Creative Director (AD)
Edelman / Portland / 2017
Creative lead transitioning the Portland office into a full service communications agency. Extensive new business efforts and managing creative teams and projects in multiple offices.
Creative Director (AD)CMD / Portland / 2014-16
Creative lead on HP, Microsoft, Banner Bank and new business. Also led the reinvention of a global accounting software brand, we named Sovos.
Associate Creative Director (AD)
Liquid / Portland / 2012-14
Creative lead on Nike and Microsoft retail, including the global launch of Windows 8, 8.1 and 8.2. Also, led creative for Ficks, from name to a national brand.
Partner, ACD (AD)
Leopold Ketel / Portland / 2000-10
Created multiple original award winning products, brands and communication. Participated in agency decisions and policy.
Art Director
Cramer Krasselt / Chicago / 1998-99
Created global brand communication for Hyatt, Bosch and Rustoleum among others.
Art Director
Leo Burnett / Chicago / 1995-97
Created global brand communication for Altoids, Johnnie Walker Brands, Miller Lite and Reebok among others.
Graphis Silver
Archive TV
Archive Print (8)
Archive 200 Best Photo Annual
Effie Gold
Effie Silver
Print Design Annual
Communication Arts
Apllied Arts
Radio Mercury Finalist
Portland Ad Fed - Interactive Rosey
PAF - TV Rosey
PAF - Radio Rosey
PAF - Judges Overall Favorite
PAF - Award of Excellence (multiple)
PAF - Merit Award (multiple)
Featured in Collegiate Hall Prentice Textbook
Graphis Silver
Archive TV
Archive Print (8)
Archive 200 Best Photo Annual
Effie Gold
Effie Silver
Print Design Annual
Communication Arts
Apllied Arts
Radio Mercury Finalist
Portland Ad Fed - Interactive Rosey
PAF - TV Rosey
PAF - Radio Rosey
PAF - Judges Overall Favorite
PAF - Award of Excellence (multiple)
PAF - Merit Award (multiple)
Featured in Collegiate Hall Prentice Textbook